The Journey So Far

High Prince Altair could not be happier. His engagement to his lover, Prince Whelan of the Realm of Waters, is finally official, and though his reign from the Throne of Night is never easy, he has finally become comfortable ruling the Elvish Kingdoms of Avalon.

If only that peace could last…

Assassination attempts and bands of thieves soon plague the realm, and on the horizon an even greater threat looms that will bring challenges unlike anything Avalon has faced in recent memory.

Buried secrets will rise to the surface and their relationship will be tested as Altair and Whelan race to save Avalon while challenging its traditions.

Is the lotus more powerful than the gathering storm? Only time will tell.

Genre: High Fantasy/Romance
Series: Book 1, The Eagle and Heart Trilogy
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What is right is not always easy.

For High Prince Altair and Prince Consort Whelan, this is a lesson hard-learned in the wake of the human magician Medwyn’s attacks on Avalon. A deadly pestilence stalks the land, and old enemies stand at the gates of the Palace of Night, ready to pull them down.

As they fight to retain the balance between what is good and what is right, one of them will be taken, and both will be changed forever. Are they strong enough together to survive separation? Avalon itself may have the final say.

Genre: High Fantasy/Romance
Series: Book 2, The Eagle and Heart Trilogy
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Humans are, so far as we know, the only creatures on this planet who mark the passage of time. As such, we are keenly aware from an early age that time is tick, tick, ticking away.

In the end, for all of us, is Death. We fear it. We are intoxicated by it. We run from it and somehow find ourselves wrapped in its dark-robed arms.

A small village suffering through a terrifying plague seek a solution from a prophet. A “pig” crawls on his hands and knees through the dark labyrinth of a BDSM dungeon in search of the only thing that can satiate his hunger. Two young men find themselves chased through the woods by a real-life urban legend. A lonely young man finds a boon companion in Death.

These stories and more fill Darkest Death.

Genre: Horror
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"Dear Tyler,

I was hoping I wouldn't have to write this letter for a long time..."

Tyler is a young gay man with his whole life ahead of him. Then his Uncle Jodie died and left him the deed to Memory Lane Antiques, a small shop in an even smaller town.

When he and his best friend, Madison, arrive to assess the inventory, they're led by unseen forces to an old journal. Only then do they realize the full meaning of ownership and possession.

Memory Lane is filled with curious items. Some mundane, others deadly.

As they dive deeper into Jodie's writing, Tyler cannot help but notice the similarities between their lives, nor is he prepared for just how deep his own ties run to a dark-glassed mirror that hangs in the showroom and the ghost of a boy named Frankie who will do anything to escape its murky depths.

Genre: Horror
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What would you do to protect what’s yours?

Donnie’s whole world changed the day he met Nate at The Stop, a cruising spot outside a small Texas town. Nate saw him, knew him, cared for him, and then one day, in an incomprehensible act of violence, Nate was taken from him.

Broken but not beaten, Donnie steps into Nate’s role at The Stop with one goal in mind: find the man who murdered his lover and see justice served no matter the cost.

Content warning: Violence, sexual situations, sex work, rough trade

“Breathless and brutal, THE STOP is an unflinching Texas revenge noir awash in moral complexity and the coded lives and languages of the marginalized. W. Dale Jordan’s insistent, riveting prose and imminently relatable cast of characters, force the reader to confront the inconvenient reality of who society chooses to preserve and defends against who is abandoned to slip through the cracks.”--Mark Wheaton, author of Emily Eternal

"THE STOP by W. Dale Jordan is raw and honest and gripping. In this exciting suspense/revenge tale, Jordan explores an aspect of gay culture that is often overlooked, but he does so with compassion and a lack of judgement that humanizes his characters to a thrilling degree."--Mark Allan Gunnells, author of 2B and BEFORE HE WAKES

Genre: Thriller/Horror
Series: Book 1, The Bloody Bois D’Arc Triptych
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Some secrets refuse to stay hidden.

Three years have passed since Donnie murdered the man who was brutalizing members of his community at a cruising spot known only as The Stop. He was never charged. Less than a handful of people knew what he'd done.

Now, he has a new boyfriend, close friends, and is working his way toward college graduation. He is putting what happened behind him.

His growing peace is shaken, however, when a package arrives containing a small ragdoll dressed like a Catholic priest. Someone knows his secret. Someone intent on punishing him as the law had not.

As the body count rises, Donnie finds himself once again in a terrifying position. Will he kill or be killed?

Genre: Thriller/Horror
Series: Book 2, The Bloody Bois D’Arc Triptych
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